A filter that allows the user to input a minimum and maximum value.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



choices: null | Collection<FilterChoice> = null

A Collection of FilterChoices for this filter.

compendiumBrowser: null | CompendiumBrowser = null

A reference to the CompendiumBrowser this filter is used in.

id: string

The ID of this filter used to identify it in its browser's filters.

indexField: string = "system.price"

The field this filter checks against its choices. Will also be added to the compendiumIndexFields of the document's CONFIG object.

inputs: { key: string; label: string; placeholder: string; type: string }[] = ...

List of inputs for this filter.

label: string = "PF1.Price"

The label for this filter visible to the user.

localizeChoices: boolean = false

Auto-localize choices.

Defaults to false due to pre-translation.

localizeLabel: boolean = true

Auto-localize filter label

localizePrefix: string = ""

Prefix to add to choices before localization.

TEMPLATE: string = "systems/pf1/templates/apps/compendium-browser/text-filter.hbs"

The handlebars template used to render this filter.

type: string = ""

A convenience property to define a single type this filter applies to.

types: string[] = []

The types of document this filter applies to.

