The singleton registry of damage types.

At runtime this registry is accessible as pf1.registry.damageTypes.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



model: DamageType

The class each of this registry's content is expected to be an instance of.

_defaultData: readonly [
        _id: "untyped";
        category: "misc";
        icon: "ra ra-uncertainty";
        name: "PF1.DamageTypes.untyped.Label";
        resist: false;
        _id: "slashing";
        abbr: "PF1.DamageTypes.slashing.Abbr";
        category: "physical";
        color: "yellow";
        icon: "ra ra-sword";
        name: "PF1.DamageTypes.slashing.Label";
        _id: "piercing";
        abbr: "PF1.DamageTypes.piercing.Abbr";
        category: "physical";
        color: "blue";
        icon: "ra ra-spear-head";
        name: "PF1.DamageTypes.piercing.Label";
        _id: "bludgeoning";
        abbr: "PF1.DamageTypes.bludgeoning.Abbr";
        category: "physical";
        color: "red";
        icon: "ra ra-large-hammer";
        name: "PF1.DamageTypes.bludgeoning.Label";
        _id: "fire";
        category: "energy";
        color: "orange";
        diceSoNice: { colorset: "fire"; texture: "fire" };
        icon: "ra ra-fire";
        name: "";
        _id: "cold";
        category: "energy";
        color: "aqua";
        diceSoNice: { colorset: "ice"; texture: "ice" };
        icon: "ra ra-frost-emblem";
        name: "PF1.DamageTypes.cold.Label";
        _id: "electric";
        category: "energy";
        color: "yellow";
        diceSoNice: { colorset: "lightning"; texture: "ice" };
        icon: "ra ra-lightning-bolt";
        name: "PF1.DamageTypes.electricity.Label";
        _id: "acid";
        category: "energy";
        color: "lime";
        diceSoNice: { colorset: "acid"; texture: "marble" };
        icon: "ra ra-acid";
        name: "PF1.DamageTypes.acid.Label";
        _id: "sonic";
        category: "energy";
        color: "#00aedb";
        diceSoNice: { colorset: "astralsea"; texture: "astral" };
        icon: "ra ra-horn-call";
        name: "PF1.DamageTypes.sonic.Label";
        _id: "force";
        category: "misc";
        color: "#a200ff";
        diceSoNice: { colorset: "force"; texture: "stars" };
        icon: "ra ra-doubled";
        name: "PF1.DamageTypes.force.Label";
        _id: "negative";
        category: "misc";
        color: "#765898";
        diceSoNice: { colorset: "necrotic"; texture: "skulls" };
        icon: "ra ra-skull";
        name: "PF1.DamageTypes.negative.Label";
        _id: "positive";
        category: "misc";
        color: "#f8ed62";
        diceSoNice: { colorset: "prism"; texture: "stainedglass" };
        icon: "ra ra-sunbeams";
        name: "PF1.DamageTypes.positive.Label";
        _id: "precision";
        icon: "ra ra-archery-target";
        isModifier: true;
        name: "PF1.Precision";
        _id: "nonlethal";
        icon: "ra ra-hand";
        isModifier: true;
        name: "PF1.Nonlethal";
        _id: "areaOfEffect";
        icon: "ra ra-bomb-explosion";
        isModifier: true;
        name: "PF1.DamageTypes.areaOfEffect.Label";
] = ...

An array of data used to initialize this registry.

CATEGORIES: readonly ["physical", "energy", "misc"] = ...

An array of allowed categories of damage types.

model: typeof DamageType = DamageType

The class each of this registry's content is expected to be an instance of.



  • Returns an object of the registry's contents, with the id as key and the name as value.

    Returns { [id: string]: string }

    The names of each value in the registry, by id

  • Registers a new instance of Model with the registry, using a partial of its data as the base.


    • namespace: string

      The namespace for which this value is registered.

    • id: string

      The unique key of the value.

    • value: object

      A Partial of the data to use as the base for the new value.

    Returns Registry<any>

    The registry itself, after the value has been registered.

    pf1.registry.damageTypes.register("my-module", "my-damage-type", {
    name: "My Damage Type",
    img: "icons/svg/damage.svg",
    category: "physical",
  • Returns the contents of this registry as object, using ids as keys.


    • Optionalsource: boolean = false

      Whether to include the source data instead of its prepared data for each value.

    Returns { [id: string]: object }

    The data of each value in the registry, by id

  • Unregisters a value from the registry, or if no id is provided, all values belonging to the namespace.


    • namespace: string

      The namespace for which this value is unregistered.

    • Optionalid: string

      The unique key of the value, or undefined to unregister all values belonging to the namespace.

    Returns void